A delicate bouquet of pink roses and eucalyptus leaves rests atop a stack of vintage books, adorned with a soft pink ribbon and pearls, evoking a romantic, vintage aesthetic.

Despite what people might say in this age of kindles and Twitter, books are not going anywhere anytime soon. And one way you can see this clearly is in the proliferation of book-themed weddings out there. Many a couple has come together over their love of the written word, and many of the more ornate, beautiful libraries in the world are capable of accommodating large events to hold a truly storybook wedding.

The trick to executing a good theme wedding, however, is commitment. If you’re going to have a theme, it can’t simply show up idly in 0c3d6e601e470e9827466443369437d2the corner of an invitation, or pop up suddenly atop your wedding cake. It has to be apparent, from the design of your place cards, to the selection of your venue, to the favors you distribute to your guests.

For a truly unforgettable wedding favor, our line of Plantable Seed Paper Bookmarks are a sure thing for the book lovers out there. Not only can they serve as an instant, take-home bouquet for your guests (just add water), they also make a fantastic wedding favor when actually used as a bookmark, often remaining in your guests homes – and hearts – long after candy would have been eaten or novelty items thrown away. A solid bookmark can continue serving its purpose for decades, after all.

Bookmarks can be used for any number of special occasions, not just weddings – you can distribute them with a favored poem or prayer at a wake or memorial, for example. They can serve as a special thank-you gift for charitable events, or as a giveaway item to include with informational mailings.

With the right word choice, you can also use bookmarks as a quirky form of invitation or save-the-date for weddings, baby showers, or other special occasions.

*Photo courtesy of Pinterest 

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